全槟最具氛围高级Fine Dining 情侣约会必去的 #浪漫烛光晚餐

全槟最具氛围高级Fine Dining🍷
情侣约会必去的 #浪漫烛光晚餐 🕯️
还记得【Monsieur Bar Restaurant】吗?它们现在带来了新的concept‼️【The table by Monsieur】共有 2️⃣层楼,分别有着2️⃣种不同的格调和享受,公开式与隐私式全都有!
这里Fine Dine的菜式由曾在澳门和新加坡米其林三星餐厅任职,并且拥有超过10年经验的chef用心制作👨‍🍳 菜式都高级又精致,而且每个season都会根据chef的创意更换,给你满满的新鲜感🤩
餐厅楼下是属于开放式的座位,可以看到厨师们现场为你准备食物😍 氛围会稍微明亮简单一些,很适合放松聊天✨ 而楼上则充满了浪漫的氛围和情调💕昏暗的灯光加上暖黄色的蜡烛🕯️满满的仪式感,很适合情侣闺蜜小约小聚,吃烛光晚餐👫👭
May be an image of 2 people, indoor and text
May be an image of 3 people and text
May be an image of 1 person, food and text
May be an image of 1 person and text
May be an image of text
May be an image of indoor
May be an image of 1 person, food and text
May be an image of 1 person, food and text
May be an image of indoor
May be an image of food and indoor
May be an image of food and indoorMay be an image of food and indoor
May be an image of dessert and indoor
May be an image of dessert and indoor
【The Table by Monsieur】
📍地址:316, Lebuh Pantai, 10300 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia.
⏱MCO营业时间:6pm – 10pm (3月起每星期二休息)
💻Facebook Page:The Table by Monsieur

Author: linshi

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